Sunday, June 24, 2018

Striped Sweater & Maroon Shorts

Striped Sweater & Maroon Shorts

My sweater is $49.50 from Loft

My shorts are $39.50 from Madewell.

My shoes are $41.00 from Nordstrom.. on sale 35%!!



My top is $16.99 from Target.

My shorts are $39.50 from Madewell.

A Day at the Botanical Garden

This past weekend my sister, brother - in - law, and I spent a day at the Oklahoma City Botanical Gardens. I have lived in OKC my whole life and have never been. It is absolutely beautiful. If you live in Oklahoma or come and visit you definitely have to take a stop by. Ladies warning it is HUMID.. my hair did not appreciate it. 

My Top is $9.99 from H & M.

My shorts are $19.99 from Target

My Shoes are from Tommy Hilfiger.. I could not find them online. In store they were around $40 - they were on sale! :)

Denim Overalls

Denim Overalls

Hey hey hey ladies!! So sorry for the lack of updates; this summer has been a crazy one! A blog post about Brazil is coming soon so stay tuned! In the meantime here is an update on all the links to my outfits!

I am the girl on the left.

My top is $17.99 from Target: =PLA_Women+Shopping_Brand&adgroup=SC_Women&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9026254&gclid=CjwKCAjwgr3ZBRAAEiwAGVssnaa4nJlA9j0xxQLuhn2_qBzLer25AHqkcz7WqWm8Yf0Cf5P0oE71NRoCJNoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

My Overalls are $148.00 from Madewell. These overalls are pricey... however they are GREAT quality and I will wear them a lot; they were a great investment.

My shoes are $19.99 from Target:

Dress: ★